Beefsteak Tomato 'Big Beef'

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I took a break from growing a classic red beefsteak last year, and it was missed. Making its comeback, ‘Big Beef’ is an All-America Selection winner that earned its title. Popular because of its consistent yield and disease resistance, you won’t regret adding this classic to your garden.

Height : ~5-6’

Fruit Size: 8-12 oz.

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A Note from the Grower

Let’s talk meat! Tomato meat, that is. Beefsteak tomatoes can have a bad rap for producing later in the season and struggling more with nutrient deficiencies or disease and pest issues as compared to your average slicer. My professors always used to say, genetics are king. So, start with genetics that are going to work with you, not against you. It is more important than ever, when selecting beefsteaks, to choose varieties with gusto.

I selected two beefsteaks known for their early production, high yield and disease resistance. Plus, to top it off, they have excellent flavor. Don’t take my word for it! Give one or both a try!

Patio Tomato
Slicer Tomato 'Celebrity'
Slicer Tomato 'Phoenix'
Slicer Tomato 'Cherokee Purple'
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Slicer Tomato 'Early Girl'