Mexican Tarragon


While not a true tarragon, Mexican tarragon (a.k.a. Mexican mint marigold) is an excellent substitute for French tarragon in recipes (which is hard to find and grow successfully in Kansas heat). Plus, it has quite the cheerful, golden edible flower that blooms all summer and measures just under an inch in diameter! Sprinkle the petals in salads for an anise flavor.

I will be planting this annual in the garden because of its all-round practicality. Unlike true tarragon, it is an annual that is more lenient to warmer climates and can be managed simply by letting it freeze out each year. Read more about its care below…

Height & Spread: 24-30”

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A Note from the Grower

Plant marigolds for heat-tolerant color all summer long. They also have shown the ability to repel a swathe of pests for nearby dwellers including root knot nematodes for tomatoes and mosquitos for us. Beetles and other true bugs are also repelled by marigolds, making them an asset to your beans or cucumbers. My varieties are grown using integrated pest management and are safe for consumption if desired. Use the petals in teas, sandwiches, salads and the like!

My first memory in the garden is planting marigolds. There is nothing easier to care for in the midwest garden—in ground or potted! I have included several French marigold varieties because of their old-fashioned appeal, longevity on the plant, & ability to repel pests, but I have also added Mexican tarragon which is a common name for a particular marigold species that has tarragon flavored leaves. Check out marigold care requirements.

Marigold 'Strawberry Blonde'
Marigold 'Disco Mix'