Lavender 'Exceptional'


Replacing ‘Edelweiss’ as my white-flowering lavender this season, ‘Exceptional’ is a sister cultivar to ‘Phenomenal’. Just like its sister cultivar from Peace Tree Farms, ‘Exceptional’ was bred to be a mighty plant, withstanding cold winters, droughty conditions and wet feet. It is a vigorous grower and fills out quickly for a lavender! Its white bloom spikes are tall, perfect for your pollinators, ornamental value in the garden, and of course for cutting to display fresh or dried. Read more about plant culture below!

Height & Spread: ~34”

Plants are grown in quart size containers, perfect for late spring/summer planting.

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A Note from the Grower

Lavender is the best. Need I say more? Alright. It’s pleasant to look at—to smell—to eat (or drink)—to dry for later use—to include in candles, oils and soaps—to create a floral arrangement—and it attracts pollinators while repelling mosquitos. The trick is to learn how to care for lavender. I have you covered…

Lavender has a bad rap for being difficult to grow. In reality, with proper knowledge, you’ll find that it lends itself to growth in our Kansas soil and climate. Read more about specific care in the Plant Guide.

Also, ease of care has much to do with genetic selection. I have done that part for you. In my lavender selection for 2024, I included an age old favorite, ‘Hidcote Blue’, as well as a two relatively new hybrids (’Phenomenal’ & ‘Exceptional’) that are a breeze compared to all other lavenders. Take it from me!

Lavender 'Hidcote Blue'
Lavender 'Phenomenal'