Jalapeño Pepper 'Pot-o-peño'

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You know me! I love a good container veggie. While traditional jalapeño plants can be added to your container garden, they tend to get lanky and out of hand by mid-summer. Add ‘Pot-o-peño’ to your container garden for a compact producer that looks good and produces quite the yield of 3-4” peppers. This is a trial variety for me this year, but it is an All-America Selection winner, so I am certain we will love it!

‘Pot-o-peño’ is a milder jalapeño ranking lower on the Scoville heat scale (1000 SHU), making this PERFECT for those who like jalapeño flavor, but don’t like spice. Remember! The longer you allow the fruit to remain on the plant, the hotter they will be. In addition, drought stress and high temperatures tend to tip peppers toward higher heat levels.

Height: ~12-15”

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A Note from the Grower

Sometimes, all you need is some spice. Find all levels of heat in my hot pepper selections this year. From a classic jalapeño to my latest addition, ‘Lemon Drop’ chile, you should be able find the heat you’re searching for this summer. Read more about pepper plant care in the Plant Guide.

A word of caution to those handling hot peppers, avoid touching your face when harvesting. The oils in peppers exist in their fruit, but also in their leaves and stems.

In the pepper world, a common measure of heat is the Scoville Heat Scale. The amount of capsaicin (the oil that causes the fire in our mouths) is measured in Scoville Heat Units (SHU). <5,000 = mild | 2,500-50,000 = medium | >50,000 = hot (Levels keep going for especially hot peppers like the infamous ghost pepper which receives around a 1,000,000 SHU rating.)

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Cayenne Pepper 'Golden'
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