Basil 'Everleaf Emerald Towers'


If you’ve grown basil before, you know that when it reaches flowering in mid-summer, it slightly loses intensity of flavor and stops producing as many leaves. ‘Everleaf Emerald Tower’ basil not only has a unique upright growth habit making it ideal for container growing, it also flowers 10-12 weeks later than other basil varieties.

This basil carries the classic sweet flavor of Genovese basil, while growing in a compact space. Harvest from the sides as the basil towers upward. Read more about basil below…

Height: ~32”

Spread: ~12”

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A Note from the Grower

The quintessential fresh herb to have on hand—basil can be used for culinary or ornamental use in the garden. Container or in-ground planting works for this classic. Like it’s relative, mint, basil is best enjoyed fresh but can be dried. I enjoy keeping a vase of cut stems in the kitchen or a potted plant in the windowsill for easy access.

Choose a handful of varieties from my selection to have beautiful caprese salads and vinaigrettes, or select ‘Try Basil’ to get a mix of the best basil flavors, textures and colors all in one! This season, I kept all of my favorite varieties from last year, but I also added some new ones including a lemon flavored basil, a large-leaf basil and a plum-colored flowering basil for more ornamental enjoyment. Enjoy them all! Read up on basil care in the Plant Guide.

Basil 'Purple Ruffles'
Basil 'Sweet Mammoth Ruffled'
Basil 'Cardinal'
Basil 'Minette'
Basil 'Lemonette'
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