Summertime Full Bouquet


Foraged straight from the Flint Hills prairie, my dried wildflowers are processed with care and attention. The Summertime Bouquet is full of warm, sunny tones of gold and yellow, but also wildflower species that show up during the best parts of summer in the Kansas plains.

Flower Species: sunflower, goldenrod, sweet yellow clover, broomweed, foxtail grass, yarrow

My full bouquets range from 16-20” long and 10-12” wide. They fit nicely into a vase with about a 3-4” opening. Trim stems as necessary.

My full bouquets are just the thing if you’re looking for a statement piece for the console table in the living room or entry way. They also would make a beautiful bridal bouquet for the prairie girl in all of us.

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A note on care…

Dried plant specimens hold their form and color best if kept in cool and dark places. Avoid contact with moisture or humid environments. Dust as needed with light air bursts, holding the can a distance away from the dried specimens.

The best part about dried florals is that you can enjoy them in areas of your living space that can’t support live plants because of low light levels. If care guidelines are followed, arrangements can last for years to come!

Night & Day Posy Bouquet
Anything Goes Mini Bouquet Set
Summertime Mini Bouquet Set
Anything Goes Full Bouquet
Summertime Posy Bouquet